The training series starts in March and runs Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays nights, every evening until the end of September. The longest and most repetitive series I've ever been involved in. It wouldn't be such a big deal normally accept the fact that I muscled it away against the will of the entire Field of competitors. There whole focus was to contain and minimize my results. In the end they disappointed themselves, many questioning there own ability and status on a bike. I adsorbed there efforts, ever learning, there desperateness teaching and strengthening every level of my riding. It actually represents not the fastest, but proves who got the best workout. Thanks guys!
Nice job this year. The reason the entire field was trying to minimize your results is because you race selfishly, and and very negatively. Obviously it works if you consistantly place, but creates lots of enemies. Just FYI, again you had a great season either way. Come out to the A flite next year?
Ya, I know I raced in a frustrated manor and I tried not to be effected by the pressures of leading the series. It forced me to race in a selfish way I do agree I raced " negatively " and for that I apologies. I do feel the field got just as frustrated as I did, not as any one individual but as a whole. Not from how I acted necessarily, but more so from my consistent effort. I know the politics of road racing, I'm just not good at being governed by them. Thanks for the comment, your right, it's just not my usual style.
no problem! have fun at cross!
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