Frozen Hog is the XC season opener. Not a part of any series and predictably in some type of snow, it primary motivation is pure fun and fund raising. Never the less anyone who thinks they are good in the snow show up. 29r's incase you don't look around are taking over the podium and XC races in general and I knew snow was one of there specialties. So I lowered my tire pressure to about 18-25lbs and in the start road away from the pro field with a running start and held the lead until the last 4 minutes of the course and was passed by two 29rs approaching the finish line. They rerouted the course right before the start and I made many wrong turns and even back tracked until I could see second to confirm I was on the right path. I finished 1st in 40+ expert and 3rd overall. I get my 29r in the next week or 2, then the scales will be balanced.
This time last year I weighed 176lbs. By last July I sat at 150 lbs. Now I sit at 160+lbs. This year I may see as low as 140- 145 lbs. I don't care as long as I get faster.